Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Benefits of the African Mango Supplements


There are no miracle weight loss supplements.  That is true enough because no matter how potent or effective a supplement is in theory, weight loss management still requires a healthy amount of exercise and a healthy diet.  This is why the term supplement is used, it means to enhance or compliment an existing weight loss program that actually works.  The end consumer needs to look beyond the hype and take advantage of what is available to them.

Take the African mango supplement for instance, it is extracted from the seed of the dika fruit which is part of the African diet for centuries.  It is indeed healthy and the bark and leaves of the tree is part of the culture’s apothecary for ailments involving digestion and healing of wounds.
The recent study however regarding African Mango’s benefit based on animal and human studies indicate that the seed extract is an effective anti-obesity supplement, an appetite suppressant and is an energy booster.

So what does that mean exactly?

As an anti-obesity supplement, it helps the body metabolize the fuel from food more efficiently and prevents the storage of body fats. Exercise burns the calories you consume but if the body is not in tip top shape, there are unexpended fatty acids and glucose that gets stored especially if the work-out is not enough.  Let’s just say the supplement will take care of the rest.

As an appetite suppressant, it helps keep food intake at a minimum, there is less craving and therefore less need to eat.  Needless to say, less calorie intake less need to burn and so no fat build up.  It is great for people who suffer from emotional eating.  This is when a person’s habit is not driven by need but by emotions.  African Mango Supplements actually help the Leptin (the hormone that controls appetite) work well by lowering c reactive protein levels that binds the leptin and prevents it from doing its job.

As an energy booster, it lets you reach your daily work out goals.  The extra body weight carried means that extra effort is needed to do certain workouts.  This is the scenario for over-weight individuals, they need to exert more effort and need more energy because of the weight they carry and so they tire more easily. 
African mango supplements are backed by science. But, it is ultimately your choice whether you should try it for yourself or not.  

Click here to know more about the African Mango Supplement and how to purchase it in Australia.

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